


Between Ethnicity and Nation: Revisiting the Cultural Politics in Lu Baiye's (Non-) Fictional Works


張松建(Song-Jian Zhang)


魯白野 ; 國族 ; 文化認同 ; 離散華人 ; Lu Baiye ; Ethnicity ; Nation ; Cultural Identity




29期(2016 / 06 / 20)


119 - 138




馬華作家魯白野(1923-1961)是典型的離散華人(Chinese Diaspora)和跨國弱裔(transnational minority),在其身上交織多重身份:孺慕中華文化的峇峇、窮困潦倒的流浪漢、浪漫頹廢的作家、孜孜不倦的記者、翻譯家和業餘學者。在短暫一生中,魯氏跨越地理、語言與文化的疆界,輾轉漂泊於馬來亞、印尼、新加坡、印度的廣袤空間。他的文化政治論述,打破詩、散文、小說、論著的文類界限,展示一己之流動身世和海外華人的離散經驗,緊密聯繫現代民族-國家的崛起、國際主義的蓬勃。本文挪借歷史學成果和文化批評理論,整合魯白野的(非)虛構作品以展開「跨文類閱讀」,觀察他的文化政治論述如何再現族群景觀,重塑歷史主體,召喚國族認同,並且針對其洞見與盲視,做出初步的評判。


Lu Baiye (1923-1961), a neglected Chinese writer and amateur historian in 1950's Malaya, extensively published on Chinese Diaspora through his prolific (non-)fictional writings. Born in Ipoh, Lu exiled to Sumatera where he lived a poor life for twelve years, and moved to Singapore in 1948, serving as a journalist and court interpreter until he died in 1961. Featuring bodily mobility taking place in Malaya, Indonesia, Singapore and India, Lu frequently crossed the geographical, linguistic and cultural boundaries, rethinking the fate of Chinese Diaspora from ancient to modern in the South Seas ("Nanyang"). Based on theoretical engagement, contextualization and textual analysis, this paper aims to articulate Lu' insight and blindness while addressing the issues of ethnicity and nation, ultimately, to open a critical dimension for re-imagining Chinese literature in Singapore and Malaysia.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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