Humanoid Software is a widely acclaimed science fiction written by the Hong Kong writer Albert Tam in 2010. The story reflects the haunting belief that human being in one day will be subservient to technology. Within a limited amount of hours of imitating its master's behavior, the humanoid software will be able to perform the tasks programmed by its master through automatic technology. As the story unfolds, one day the software suddenly realizes that his master became the victim of a homicide in a series of social chaos, which includes terrorist attacks, invasion of highly secured networks by hackers etc. The theme of Software humanoid resonates closely with many award-winning science fictions, for instance Neuromancer, Snow Crash, Accelerando. This paper argues that Humanoid supersedes the basic ethos of science fiction. It is about the dialectic relationships between foreign and local culture, subject and object, and source culture and reception. This theme is epitomized in the metaphor which figures Murakami Haruki as a powerful computer virus that can easily paralyze other Asian societies and ruin the local culture. By using the theories of translation studies, this paper seeks to destabilize the binary structure between the source culture and the target culture by arguing that in a globalized society, culture evolves through the process of inheritance, absorption and reborn such that there will be no trace of the origin.
譚劍,〈星際啟示錄︰尋找科幻創作的理想方法〉,2014 年12 月2 日。取自《Vicsforum─One Man's Forum》「世紀‧影意志」網 http://vicsforum.blogspot.hk/2014/12/blog-post_78.html。
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