


The Old Form and New Contents of "Poetry-history": A Study on The National Calamity Song and Poetry-history (《國難歌史及詩史》) and Anti-Japanese War Poetry-history (《抗戰詩史》)


邱怡瑄(Chiu, yi-hsuan)


詩史 ; 徐佛蘇 ; 姚伯麟 ; 舊體詩 ; 抗戰文學 ; Poetry-history ; Hsu ; Fo-su ; Yao Bo-lin ; classical poems ; literature during the War of Resistance




31期(2017 / 06 / 20)


161 - 184






The National Calamity Song and Poetry-history 《國難歌史及詩史》 by Hsu, Fo-su (1879-1943) and Anti-Japanese War Poetry-histor y 《抗戰詩史》 by Yao Bo-lin (1877-1953) published in the 1940's were both classified as "Shishi" (Poetry-history 詩史). In addition to the classical form, the two collections also added some modern features. For the review of the form of classical poetry, Hsu and Yao both took rhyme as the basic element to differentiate between the ancient style and "free poetry" system, and Hsu, Fo-su even strictly abided the metric rules of classical poetry, while their poems had relied the power of newspaper and modern publication power to publish and disseminate. On their self-positioning, they didn't worship the classic, nor looked down on modernity, they had confidence that the poetry of their generation could go beyond Du Fu, Li Bai and other predecessors. When the two collections were published, they both used poetry-history as title, and still adhered to the collection of folks and allegory tradition when the country was facing difficulties. Comparnded to solve the problem of lacking of narrative ability in traditional Chinese poetry style. They used annotations, prefaces and postscripts to compliment narrative function, trying to achieve the purpose of documenting history with poetry. There were many lines of poetics in the twentieth century, and the value of these two collections lies in showing the adjustment and creation after the "Poetry Rebellion" in the Chinese world.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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