


"Thawed Literature" and Chinese Literature in the First Half of the 1950s: Using Yi Wen as an Example


崔峰(Cui Feng)


解凍文學 ; 《譯文》 ; 1950年代 ; 譯介 ; 政治環境 ; Thawed Literature ; Yi Wen ; 1950s ; Translation ; Political environment




33期(2018 / 06 / 20)


143 - 170






In the 1950s and 1960s, Yi Wen 譯文 (Translated Literature) was the only official journal in China dedicated to the publication of translated foreign literature. Hence, Yi Wen helped the Chinese gain exposure to and developed a deeper understanding of foreign literature and literary trends. The study of this national literary journal facilitates an in-depth analysis of how socio-political conditions influenced the Chinese literary landscape during the period. The emergence of Thawed Literature in Russia was a result of the revolution in the Russian literary scene in the first half of the 1950s. It was also during this period that Yi Wen began publishing translations of Thawed Literature for the Chinese audience. Due to the influences from Zhdanovism and the Double Hundred Policy, varied translation strategies were employed at different stages of Yi Wen. This paper explores the capricious fate of Thawed Literature in Yi Wen's translation processes by placing the translation of foreign literature against the socio-political background of 1950s China.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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