


"Fu-fu" and "Feng-sao": On Yang Mu's the Long and Short Song Ballads


劉正忠(Cheng-Chung Liu)


現代抒情詩 ; 漢語傳統 ; 晚期風格 ; 老境美學 ; Modern lyric poetry ; Chinese poetic tradition ; late style ; the situation of old poets




34期(2018 / 12 / 20)


143 - 168






Yang Mu's latest collection of poems, Long and Short Song Ballads, was written by him around the age of seventy. In these works, there are many dialogues with Chinese poetic tradition. Moreover, they can also show the poet's long-term recourse and understanding of modernity. The poems about ageing and the situation of old poets has become an important topic in contemporary Taiwanese poetics. The style of this book tends to be indulgent, mature and gorgeous, demonstrating a new paradigm about late period. Yang Mu often compares the article to "fu-fu" (Elegant embroidery). The benefits of this book are ingeniously intertwined with words, images, themes and aura, giving it a materiality that can be touched and felt. In addition, the book deliberately uses the old subjects of the ancients, recreating its "feng-sao" (the fascinating force inherited from ancient poets), so that the gorgeous rhetoric has a basis. Through imitating, testing and confrontation, Yang Mu reaffirm his longing for the Greek spirit throughout his life.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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