


Lost in Space: Vision of the Universe and Self-Consciousness in Modern Chinese Literature


潘少瑜(Shaw-Yu Pan)


天文學 ; 近現代詩文 ; 近現代科學小說 ; 宇宙視野 ; 自我意識 ; astronomy ; modern poetry and essay ; modern science-fiction ; vision of the universe ; self-consciousness




34期(2018 / 12 / 20)


65 - 83






Due to the introduction of Western astronomy during the late Qing period, traditional Chinese idea of the "heaven-human" relationship was overthrown. New imaginations of the universe have inspired Chinese intellectuals and reshaped their self-consciousness. From the late Qing to May Fourth period, we can find abundant and diverse representations of these changes in science-fiction, poetry and essays. How did Chinse literati cope with the new vision of universe and human life that implied in Western astronomy? Was there any collision between their knowledge of astronomy and personal experiences? How did Chinese literati's imagination of space and time and their self-consciousness transform during the historical periods in question? How did the translated and written science-fiction depict the relationship between the immense universe and trivial human world, and what kind of contemporary issues did they respond to? In order to answer these questions, this paper investigates the dissemination of Western astronomy in China and interprets the vision of universe and self-consciousness manifested in science-fiction, poetry and essays during the late Qing and May Fourth periods.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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