


Cross-regional Literary Communication of The Salesian Printing Press in Macao


須文蔚(Wen-Wei Shiu)


澳門文學 ; 慈幼印書館 ; 白德美紀念出版社 ; 華文文學 ; 文學傳播 ; Macao's literature ; the Salesian Printing Press ; the Beltrami Memorial Publishing Company ; Sinophone literature ; literary communication




40期(2021 / 12 / 20)


109 - 129




在現代文學的研究上,澳門的慈幼印書館在文學傳播與文學史的地位,始終沒有獲得重視。澳門慈幼印書館與「鮑思高職業學校」息息相關,是雷鳴道(Fr. L.Versiglia)主教在1906年到澳門後,設立原罪工藝學校,成立澳門慈幼會孤兒院印刷所,接著1943年發展為慈幼印書館與白德美紀念出版社。出版品多數為宗教書籍,但「新青年小說叢書」、「新青年戲劇叢書」、「兒童叢書」等,大力翻譯義大利與歐陸小說與戲劇,其中還結合本地的知識菁英編選《大學新詮》、《詩經》、《中庸新詮》與《中國歷代名詩一百首》,並刊行在地小說家的創作,內容多元豐富,對於華文文學絕對有不可磨滅的貢獻。值得注意的是,在冷戰的年代,臺灣也曾一度出現過華明書局刊行過部分慈幼印書館的書籍,事實上,相關書刊也向香港發行。澳門慈幼印書館1954年停止營運,本文試圖梳理此一出版社僅十一年的發行成績,重新為其文學成就定位,也展現澳門文學的風華與影響力。


The Salesian Printing Press in Macao was directly connected with the Istituto Salesiano (Salesian Institute), established after the arrival in Macao of the Salesian bishop Luigi Versiglia in 1906. He founded the school and an orphanage with a related publishing house that in 1943 evolved in the Salesian Printing Press and the Beltrami Memorial Publishing Company. Although the majority of publications remained within the confines of religion and religious studies, the young adult fiction and drama collections and the children's literature collection presented a great number of European novels and plays in Chinese translation. Moreover, in collaboration with the local intellectual elite, not only they edited the Great Learning, the Doctrine of the Mean, the Book of Odes, and the anthology One Hundred Famous Chinese Poems, they also published local writers' works. It is evident that the publications covered a wide range of subjects and that this gave an important contribution in the field of Sinophone literature, nonetheless, the role that the Salesian Press played in modern literature and communication has not been considered matter of study yet. In addition, it is worth noting that during the Cold War period, the Guang Ming Library, established in Taiwan, was also publishing part of the Salesian Press publications, and some of these books were also issued in Hong Kong. The Salesian Press in Macao closed the activity in 1954, this article mainly aims to examine and organize its achievements during these eleven years of publishing, furthermore, it tries to define its position in literary history and discuss the importance of Macao's literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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