


The Texture of Archive Selection and Reculturation: From the Novel Xiao Fengshen to the puzzle game The Crazy Gods Show


張俐璇(Li-Hsuan Chang)


許丙丁作品集 ; 小封神藏寶圖 ; 台灣男子簡阿淘 ; 轉譯 ; 文化記憶 ; Collected Works of Hsu Ping-ting ; The Crazy Gods Show ; Son of Taiwan-Chien A-tao ; reculturation ; cultural memory




41期(2022 / 06 / 20)


25 - 43






"Archive selection" is the literary brand developed by the National Museum of Taiwan Literature in 2018, evoking the idea of "collecting glistening precious objects," and expending effort to "transform" the collected objects into stories and merchandise. The use of the word "transformation" is currently most often related to practice. This article draws on the concept of "inheritance" discussed by Jacques Derrida, as well as James E. Young's reflections on "memorials," to analyze the literary historical significance of "transformation" from the level of theory. Through the concept of "archive selection," this article discusses the path of the transformation of the game The Crazy Gods Show. First, owing to the passing on of knowledge in the 1990s through the publication of collected works of authors from various counties, the Collected Works of Hsu Ping-ting were compiled; this was the start of research on Hsu Ping-ting's Xiao Fengshen, which formed the foundation of transformation in the 2010s. Second, the precious objects collected in the game draw upon the collections of temples, museums, and libraries in Tainan; meanwhile, aside from the main plot based on a new version of the story of Xiao Fengshen, there is also a subplot based on Son of Taiwan - Chien A-tao. The game thus transforms Hsu Ping-ting's elimination of superstitious belief in gods and demons into the elimination of the specter of authoritarianism. Through this, it passes on the story of Taiwan literature, while at the same time responding to the contemporary search for cultural memory.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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