


From Cambridge to Cambridge: Xu Zhimo's International Travels and Romantic Poetry


歐陽開斌(Kaibin Ouyang)


徐志摩 ; 跨國行旅 ; 浪漫詩行 ; 情動心聲 ; 從康橋到康橋 ; Xu Zhimo ; international travel ; romantic poetry ; affect and the voice of the heart ; from Cambridge to Cambridge




42期(2022 / 12 / 20)


27 - 70






This article applies the restored image of Xu Zhimo to study one of the defining aspects of his legendary life: the dynamic interactions between his romantic poetry and his international travel. By covering his four major trips, namely, the returning journey from Cambridge in 1922, accompanying Tagore to Japan in 1924, European tour in 1925, and 11-leg global travel at the end of 1928, I aim to put forward some crucial yet overlooked aspects of Xu's conceptual world and lyricism so to challenge his popular image as a romantic individual. They include the following: the nature and scale of Xu's poetic birth at Cambridge as a "revolution of heart", his overlooked lyricism of cultural nationalism, his yearning for romantic love charged with enlightenment mentality, as well as his sense of crisis and mourning in Second Farewell to Cambridge predominantly read as classic lyricism of tenderness and grace. From Cambridge to Cambridge, Xu inscribed the birth, the charge, the setback, crisis as well as traces of maturity of his romantic self along the dynamic interaction between his travel and poetry. His poet image and lyrical world thus presented are more complete. The study of Sinology is ongoing a transcultural turn, and the affect discourse as well as lyrical modernity of the May Fourth have been attracting wide attention. Xu Zhimo will fully demonstrate his value for such approaches on the premise that his romantic world being fully restored.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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