


Being Thrown Like a Girl: A Feminist Phenomenological Reading of the Yuri Fiction by Yang Shuang-zi


紀大偉(Ta-wei Chi)


楊双子 ; 現象學 ; 日治時期 ; 女同性戀 ; 百合 ; Yang Shuang-zi ; phenomenology ; the Japanese colonial period ; lesbianism ; yuri (genre)




42期(2022 / 12 / 20)


155 - 173






Yang Shuang-zi is known for her novels and short stories of the "yuri" genre. Hailing from the Japanese popular culture, the yuri genre features girls' romantic or even sexual infatuation with other girls. Yang's fiction is remarkable, not only because it brings the passion among girls to the foreground, but also because it almost always insists on assigning the girl characters the Japanese colonial period(the first half of the twentieth century)as the historical background. As writers in Taiwan, as well as in other countries, of literature on women's love for other women commonly situate their characters in the historic periods which the writers themselves have experienced, it is noteworthy that Yang, born in 1984, four decades after the end of the Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan, would be so devoted to re-creating the colonial past. While the existing scholarship on Yang already pays attention to Yang's devotion in question, I turn to a reading inspired by the feminist version of phenomenology instead. When I notice the depictions of various bodily activities of the girl characters in Yang's fiction, Iris Marion Young's article, "Throwing Like a Girl," which is known for its discussion of girls in sports occurs to me. In her famous article, Young revises the tradition of the phenomenologist philosophy with the feminist perspectives, and recognizes that the girls in contemporary Western societies try hard to find a way out to extend their intentionality, which is generally compromised by the patriarchal system. Inspired by Young, I propose that Yang's fiction happens to offer one potential starting point for those who study Taiwanese literature and those who work in the phenomenological philosophy to engage each other. This article asks two questions. First, when one juxtaposes the girls depicted by Yang and those girls analyzed by Young, could she complicate her readings of the two groups of girls with the juxtaposition in question? Second, as Yang's fiction clearly laments some girls' fates of being born into, or thrown into, ethnically or financially underprivileged families, can the reader come across some interpretations based on Taiwanese experiences of "thrownness," a keyword in phenomenology?

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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