


An Outsider in the History of Cold War, Overseas Chinese, and Revolution: On the Fiction of Xiao Cun the Returnee Writer


黃錦樹(NG Kim Chew)


冷戰 ; 歸僑作家 ; 外華 ; 海外關係 ; 革命歷史 ; Cold War ; returned writers ; foreign China ; overseas relations ; revolutionary history




43期(2023 / 06 / 20)


7 - 23






One of the negative effects of the Cold War was the "the Returned Chinese". The declaration of a state of emergency by the British colonial government in Malaya in 1948, shortly after the end of World War II, was a classic Cold War event. In the following years, the British colonial government arrested and "repatriated" tens of thousands of Malayan Chinese who were accused of being communist co-conspirators and were forced to enter the "Iron Curtain" from the "free world," thus changing the trajectory of the lives of tens of thousands of families, many of whom were literary youths. If they continue to write, they will become " the Returned Chinese writers," and their writing will become a kind of stateless Chinese literature written in the shadow of their home country, a literary event worthy of consideration. In focusing Xiao Cun's novel in his later years, one of the starting points of this project is the lack of a place in the history of Modern & Contemporary Chinese literature for the writers of the Returned Chinese that came from Malaya. This essay places those works in the extended context of Ma Hua's "failed revolutionary-historical fiction" and the Chinese historical vision of Fang Bei Fang's novel, a master piece of Mahua Sociel Realism Trees with Deep Roots to reassess the "foreign Chinese" existence of the returned Chinese and its impact on creative works.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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