


Shaping Cold War Kids: Children’s Paradise and the Cultural Propaganda of the CFA (1951-1954)


王梅香(Mei Hsiang WANG)


文化冷戰 ; 隱蔽行動 ; 美援文化 ; 非政府組織 ; 宣傳研究 ; Cultural Cold War ; Covert Action ; U.S. Aid Culture ; Non-Governmental Organizations ; Propaganda Research




43期(2023 / 06 / 20)


71 - 94






From the perspective of cultural propaganda, this article explores how the Committee of Free Asia managed to incorporate "children" as target group through Children's Paradise (1953-1994) and disseminated this propaganda to Southeast Asia child readers during the Cold War. Previous research has focused on the textual content analysis and construction the images of children in Children's Paradise. Existing research rarely examines the relationship between "children" and the "Cold War" utilizing historical archives. This paper identified the significance of "children" as recipients of propaganda while referencing the CIA and Hoover Archives, thus portraying the propaganda logic of American power during the Cold War. The findings are: First, the position of "children" as a target group in the Cold War combined with the political power which engaged in the instillation of specific concepts and values since the twentieth century. Second, the interpersonal network and cultural capital of Hong Kong writers who contributed to the publication of Children's Paradise. The magazine drew inspiration from two long-established children's publications, one from Shanghai and the other from Japan. Last, through the Committee of Free Asia's marketing bases across Southeast Asia, Hong Kong exported the values of the free world, and creating the community of Cold War children.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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