


The Art of Popularizing Narratives in Sung and Yuan Literary Novel Scripts "Ru-hua": A Guide and Introductory Scene




金明求(Myung-Goo Kim)


話本小說 ; 入話 ; 敘事 ; 大眾化 ; Literary novel scripts ; Ru-hua ; Narration ; Popularization




6期(2006 / 12 / 01)


3 - 34




中國古典小說中的話本小說,逼真描繪人們生活與文化,通俗而樸實,接近當時社會文化的實況;其中「入話」扮演引導大眾進入正話的關鍵角色,充分顯現大眾藝術的特徵。「入話」裡可能包含著大眾的心理、作者的修辭、社會的傾向,以及市場經濟的多元現象、雅俗共賞的審美情趣等。宋元話本小說中的「入話」,具體呈現大眾藝術的多樣層面。 寫作者特別留心入話之運用,藉以收到引導讀者的效果;因此除了內容以外,也注意入話在形式、結構、敘事等方面上所使用的藝術技巧。這些過程都與「大眾化」密切關連。換言之,入話比起正話,更能具體顯示多元的大眾藝術。從此可知,寫作者藉由入話形式之運用,不但具體表現其中蘊含的審美情趣與藝術內涵,同時也引領讀者,使他們易於進入閱讀過程。經由對宋元話本小說中之多樣入話形式加以詳細分析,可探知當時代讀者(聽眾)對小說表演上的不同要求。這種需求直接反映在作者的敘事技巧上,因此呈現出不同層次的「大眾化」藝術。


Literary novel scripts of ancient China, depicting vividly its life and culture, capturing the real conditions of its society, were widely read by the general and simple folks of its time. The ”ru-hua” and common language played a pivotal role in guiding the general public into the very heart of the novels, showing its artistic features to the readers. The ”ru-hua” included the popular mentality of its time, the author's rhetoric, the society's trends as well as the economic diversity of its market, appealing to the interest and temperament of both the learned and the uncultured. ”Ru-hua” in the Sung and Yuan literary novel scripts offers the different levels of artistic expression to the public. The author specially highlights how ru-hua is used in leading the readers to its desired effect. Therefore, besides examining the contents, the author pays attention to the form, structure, and the art of narration. This process is intimately corelated to its popularization. ”Ru-hua”, compared to the common language, shows more concretely the variety of popular art. From this realization, the author makes use of ”ru-hua” form not only to exhibit concretely the artistic appreciation and connotation of its beauty, but also to guide the readers to enter easily the process. Through deatiled analysis of the ”ru-hua” in Sung and Yuan literary novel scripts, we can detect and know the demands of the readers as well as the audience at that time as regards the novel script. This demand directly reflects the narrative skill of its author; thus, offering different levels of art popularization.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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