


The Textual Research on the Beijing Language "Yi" and "Bu" Both Being Pronounced as Pingsheng and Qusheng in Jin and Yuan Dynasties




黎新第(Xin-Di Li)


北京話一、不 ; 元曲 ; 諸宮調 ; 煞尾二字 ; 句末仄仄 ; 平仄 ; Beijing language ; Yi ; Bu ; Pingsheng ; Qusheng ; Jin and Yuan dynasties




12期(2009 / 12 / 01)


19 - 41




論文以元曲、金諸宮調為材料,特別挑選語句中聲調限定嚴格的格位(如:元曲末句煞尾二字;諸宮調中四字至七字律句之偶數字、仄仄連出之句末二字)作為觀察對象,進行詳盡的分類統計,以分別觀察《中原音韻》「入聲作上聲」字在元曲、諸宮調中的聲調表現。觀察得知,「一、不」二字讀為平聲字的比例,遠比其他「入聲作上聲」的字高出甚多,且與「入聲作平聲」字讀為平聲的比例接近;「一、不」二字在元曲、諸宮調中讀為去聲的比例,也高出其他「入聲作上聲」字,而與「入聲作去聲」字讀為去聲的比例接近。據此推斷,金元時期的「一、不」二字均已有平聲和去聲讀法。 對元曲、金諸宮調中「一、不」讀去聲的比例偏低,論文也有解釋。


First of all, the textual research shows that ”Yi” and ”Bu” have both been pronounced as pingsheng in Jin and Yuan dynasties. 1. Yuan Qu is strict with rhyme scheme, especially in the tones of the last two characters of the last sentence. This research uses Ji Fu's statistics in 1988 and gets the percentage of ”rusheng to be shangsheng” being pronounced as pingsheng is as the following. ”Bu” is about 78%. ”Yi” is about 73%. The percentage of the characters of ”rusheng to be shangsheng” not including ”Yi” and ”Bu” is about 32%. 2. Most sentences of Zhugongdiao in Jin dynasty are regulated sentences except the inserted characters. Although the formats of the regulated sentences are various, some particular tonal patterns are relatively fixed. According to the preceding discussion, this research chooses the regulated sentences of 4-7 characters in ”Dongxieyuan Xixiangji Zhugongdiao” to observe the characters which are ”rusheng to be shangsheng” in some certain positions. The result that these characters are pronounced as pingsheng is as the following. ”Bu” is about 48%. ”Yi” is about 42%. The percentage of the characters which are ”rusheng to be shangsheng” but not including ”Yi” and ”Bu” is about 12%. Secondly, the textual research shows that ”Bu” has been pronounced as qusheng during Jin and Yuan dynasties. ”Zhongyuang Yinyun” has clearly indicated that ”Yi” can be pronounced as qusheng. Therefore we only need to prove that ”Bu” is the same with ”Yi” in Yuan Qu sentences. 1. From Ji Fu's statistics in 1988, the percentage of the characters which are ”rusheng to be shangsheng” is as the following. ”Bu” is about 22%. ”Yi” is about 20%. The percentage of the characters which are ”rusheng to shangsheng” but not including ”Yi” and ”Bu” is about 14%. The percentage of ”Bu” being pronounced as qusheng is a little higher than ”Yi”. 2. ”Zhongyuang Yinyun, Zhengyu Zuoci Qili, Moju” emphasizes that ”shangshang, ququ, it would be especially fine if being avoided”. According to this, the research observes ”Yi” and ”Bu” which are placed in ”zeze” of the last two characters of the Yuan qu sentences in ”Dongxieyuan Xixiangji Zhugongdiao”. The result is as the following. The percentage of ”Bu” being pronounced as qusheng is about 39%. The percentage of ”Yi” being pronounced as qusheng is about 26%. It is almost the same with Ji Fu's statistics result that ”Yi” and ”Bu” are pronounced as qusheng in 1988.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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