


Exploring Hsu Miao's Studies of Gu-Liang




吳智雄(Chih-Hsiung Wu)


徐邈 ; 穀梁 ; 晉代 ; 輯佚 ; Hsu Miao ; "Gu-Liang" ; Jin Dynasty ; recovering lost books




20期(2013 / 12 / 01)


161 - 191






According to the ”Book of Jin” (”Jin Shu”), the notes and commentaries of ”Gu-Liang Chuan” written by Hsu Miao were popular and well-received in trhe period of Jin Dynasty. The ”Collected Annotations of Spring and Autumn Gu-Liang” (”Chun Chiu Gu Liang Ji Jie”) written by Fan Ning quoted Hsu Miao several times and celebrated him as a prominent scholar in the studies of ”Gu-Laing”. Hsu Miao wrote three books on Gu-Liang, including ”Annotations of the Spring and Autumn Gu-Liang” (”Chun Chiu Gu Liang Chuan Chu”), ”Analysis of the Spring and Autumn Gu-Liang” (”Chun Chiu Gu Liang Chuan Yi”), and ”Answering Questions on the Spring and Autumn Gu-Liang” (”Hsu Miao Da Chun Chiu Gu Liang Yi”). However, all these books are long lost. What is still available today can only be found in the ”Annotations and Analysis of Spring and Autumn Gu-Liang” (”Chun Chiu Gu Liang Chuan Chu Yi”) collected and edited by Ma Guo-han in the Ching Dynasty. This volume with a total of 89 sections is the most comprehensive collection among the recovered compilation of the lost writings of Gu-Liang studies that include seven schools and nine types. Ma Guo-han maintains that one can hardly determine the fragments are from ”Annotations of Spring and Autumn Gu-Liang or Analysis of Spring and Autumn Gu-Liang”, that is why he names the collection generally as ”Annotations and Analysis” (”Chu Yi”). It is this volume that helps preserve and provide a general picture of Hsu Miao's studies of ”Gu-Liang”. This paper will mainly focus on examining the volume so as to discuss the key ideas of Hsu Miao's studies of ”Gu-Liang”. For example, the changes in literary style reflect Hsu Miao's rigorous approach. Hsu Miao puts strong emphasis on the things he aims to celebrate, while giving only simple outlines of the things with which he disagrees. He writes in a direct manner, and tends to record incidents, especially important events, as they actually occurred. His work is also about the most powerful kings of his time, the Chou Emperor and the imperial household. Though he avoides commenting on his relatives and on those he respects, he does not let this pracice stop him from recording the truth. This study uses this method in an effort to recover the content made by Hsu Miao by piecing together the fragments of this highly treasured work to better profile the essence of ”Gu-Liang-ism”.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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