


The Twofold Meaning in Modern Historical Studies on China




戴景賢(Ching-Hsien Tai)


現代中國史學 ; 中國史學史 ; 中國史研究 ; 中國思想史 ; 中國現代學術 ; modern Chinese studies ; Chinese historiography ; philosophy of history ; Chinese scholarship in the twentieth century ; Chinese intellectual history




21期(2014 / 06 / 01)


245 - 277






What makes history become history? It involves the observer, the narrator, the interpreter, and the critics. Moreover, for the historians, it also requires a theoretical framework where history itself becomes the subject of observation. Different attitudes towards history lead to different styles of historical narratives. Different interpretations of historical narratives are created by different theoretical and historical frameworks. For the last one hundred years, two approaches have been used in the studies of Chinese history. One is to put Chinese history within the framework of world history; the other is to view it from within the Chinese society. This paper aims to examine and compare the two different approaches so as to evaluate their significance in the studies of Chinese history. In this way, the twofold meaning of Chinese history becomes clear in modern historical studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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