


The Concept of "Nature" and Its Development in Classical Chinese Discourse




蔡英俊(Tsai Ying-chun)


自然 ; 空間知覺 ; 山水 ; 山水詩 ; 王國維 ; nature ; perception of space ; shanshui ; Shanshui shi (Poetry of Landscape) ; Wang Guowei




27期(2017 / 06 / 01)


9 - 43






Concerning the contemporary studies on the classical Chinese poetry of Landscape, or "Shanshui shi," the theoretical framework has been largely directed to its relations with the conception of "nature." And yet, "Ziran," as still active and widespread in current vernacular usage, means that "so of itself" or "spontaneous" in the classical Chinese thought. The term "Ziran" in literary and philosophical discourse also can extend to mean "that which happens from intelligible causes or in accordance with uniform law," and hence a kind of spontaneity. On the contrary, the term and the concept of "shanshui" originally refers to two categories of the natural world, that is, mountains and rivers, but its later shift of meaning to denote a perceptual outside world captured by poets is not within the context of the classical Chinese term "Ziran." In this regard, the rise and its subsequent examinations concerning the poetry of landscape in the classical Chinese literary tradition is in no way to do with the term and concept of "Ziran." It was not until the first decade of the nineteenth century that the modern conception of nature and its term was introduced into the Chinese discourse, be it literary or philosophical. So far as the documents can be traced, Wang Guowei's (1877-1927) translation of philosophical writings by the Japanese scholar Genyoku Kuwaki (1874-1946) into Chinese in the year of 1902 might be the first step towards the reception and development of modern knowledge and its scholarship in the field of literary studies. Since then, the issues concerning poetry of landscape have been re-examined under the influence of the concept of nature in its Western sense and meaning.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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