This paper aims to explore images of Confucius, the academic trends and issues presented in two books, Lüshi Chunqiu (Spring and Autumn of Master Lü) and Huainanzi (Masters from Huainan). Even though the method of zajia is to assimilate ideas from other schools, and it is difficult to pin down any clear textual attitude regarding its presentation of Confucius, tendencies or preferences still can be found from the documents cited. For example, Lüshi Chunqiu purposely avoids the particular image of Confucius presented in Zhuangzi, but cites some of Confucius' behaviors, from which we can see Lüshi Chunqiu seeks to fit in with the more conventional conception. On the other hand, Huainanzi, regarded as a Daoist document, adapts presentation of Confucius in Zhuangzi, the refashioned image of Confucius is thus endowed with historical significance. Secondly, Lüshi Chunqiu is concerned with the relationships between the King and his counselors, so it puts more emphasis on presenting how Confucius seeks to offer political solutions for the King and how a noble person could behaves himself even in difficult situations. On the contrary, Huainanzi, with the aim to celebrate the eclectic aesthetics of zajia which avoids limitation of a single perspective, conveys that even Confucius as a saint is unable to teach everything, but it is his various abilities (instead of one) that distinguishes him from other people including his disciples. The two books also explore the issue of learning and Confucius as a teacher from different perspectives. Lüshi Chunqiu emphasizes the advantage of learning by showing the cases of his renowned disciples, while Huainanzi points out the disadvantages of learning by showing the cases of his disciples' death and illness. Finally, there are different usages of "Confucius" or "Zhongni" in these two books, which could be divided into three categories: 1) as a commentator in line with his conventional image; 2) when having teachings other than Confucianism put into his mouth; 3) when celebrating ideas of Laozi, by presenting Confucius' words as supporting texts of Laozi. Lüshi Chunqiu adopts the first two usages, while Huainanzi adopts all of them. The presented images of Confucius in both of the two books reflect tendency to see Confucius as a great model during Pre-Qin and Early Han Period.
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