


Regional Disparities in Li Mengyang's Literary Thought




王昌偉(Ong Chang-woei)


地域差異 ; 南北問題 ; 李夢陽 ; 前七子 ; 文學復古運動 ; Regional disparities ; the problem of north and south ; Li Mengyang ; Former Seven Masters ; Literary archaism




29期(2018 / 06 / 01)


29 - 50






Today we tend to apply the label of "Former Seven Masters" to the literati community that initiated the literary archaist movement in the mid-Ming period. Members of the "Former Seven Masters" were all northerners except for Xu Zhenqing. Some scholars have thus argued that when the Former Seven Masters promoted literary archaism, they were in fact trying to raise the status of northern literature at the expense of its southern counterpart. By zooming in on the leader of this community, this paper attempts to show that regional disparity is indeed an important perspective for understanding the cultural development in the Ming dynasty, but the interactions and competitions between the different regions were complex and deserve closer attention. When we adopt the method of regional analysis for studying Ming literature, we should avoid falling into the trap of geographic determinism and arriving at a conclusion based solely on the regional identities of the historical figures whom we study.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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