


Literary Theory, Yuefu Poetry, and the "Fude" Style: Three Perspectives on the "Cifu Hua" Phenomenon in the Six Dynasties




祁立峰(Chi Li-feng)


文章辭賦化 ; 新變 ; 樂府 ; 賦得 ; 宮體 ; cifu hua ; shifting literary tastes ; yuefu poetry ; fude ; palace style poetry




33期(2020 / 06 / 01)


49 - 75






The concept of "cifu hua" originated from Wang Mengou's book-Commentaries on Traditional Literature. He coined the term to describe the phenomenon of other literary genres taking on the characteristics of the cifu genre. This phenomenon resulted from the ever-changing tastes of the general public, combined with the proliferation of the guiyou literary style. The phenomenon caused the style of writing to become elaborate and complex in general during the six dynasties. Later on, other researchers also observed the unique development of literature and literary genres during the six dynasties by analyzing literary trends including "poetry taking on the characteristics of fu" (shi de fu hua) and "convergence of poetry and fu" (shi fu heliu). In this article, the writer reexamines the "cifu hua" concept by focusing on three aspects: literary theory, Yuefu poetry, and the "fude" style. First, it discusses the psychology and meaning behind the shifting public tastes towards literature. The second aspect is about the imageries, allusions, and material used in the Yuefu poetry, which influenced the palace style (gongti) poetry in the Liang and Chen dynasties. Third, there is a category of "fude" poetry in the six dynasties, which means excerpting a line from a poem as the title of a new poem. This category of poetry carries on the poetic tradition while applying the complexity and elaborate style of fu. The three perspectives covered in this article only illustrates certain aspects of the "cifu hua" concept. However, observations made on this concept thus far have been broad yet sketchy. Through discussing the three points, this article intends to clarify "cifu hua" in a more accurate and precise manner, so as to demonstrate the significance of fu in Chinese literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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