






356期(2015 / 08 / 05)


37 - 43



主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
  1. 田秀蘭(2005)。兒童衝動性格、未來期待、休閒活動與違犯行為之相關研究。中華輔導學報,17,105-129。
  2. 江宜珍,吳肖琪,李蘭(2005)。台灣北部國小四年級學童曾經發生自殺意念之相關因素研究。臺灣公共衛生雜誌,24(6),471-482。
  3. 林秀玲,陳志賢,戴嘉南,余祥雲(2007)。家庭變故兒童在遊戲治療中自我療癒歷程之研究。諮商輔導學報:高師輔導所刊,17,1-38。
  4. 張曉佩(2013)。治療關係對學校霸凌受害者諮詢效果之個案研究。中華輔導與諮商學報,38,29-55。
  5. 許育光(2013)。國小輔導教師實務內涵初探:從困境與期待分析進行對話。中華輔導與諮商學報,38,57-89。
  6. 陳美妙,張高賓(2014)。認知行為遊戲治療對ADHD兒童干擾行為之成效研究。家庭教育與諮商學刊,16,1-27。
  7. 潘國仁(2012)。婚姻暴力問題對目睹兒童受創之影響研究。犯罪學期刊,15(1),89-121。
  8. 蔡麗芳,洪家慧(2013)。遊戲治療中目睹家庭暴力兒童的家庭暴力認知與行為問題改變情形之個案研究。台灣遊戲治療學報,3,113-138。
  9. 鄭文媛,蔡美香(2014)。遊戲治療對社會退縮兒童之退縮行為與自我概念之成效探討。教育心理學報,46(2),165-185。
  10. Cochran, J. L.,Cochran, N. H.,Fuss, A.,Nordling, W. J.(2010).Outcomes and Stages of Child Centered Play Therapy for a Child with Highly Disruptive Behavior Driven by Self-Concept Issues.Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development,49(2),231-246.
  11. Conger, R. D.,Neppl, T.,Kim, K. J.,Scaramella, L.(2003).Angry and aggressive behavior across three generations: A prospective, longitudinal study of parents and children.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,31(2),143-160.
  12. Dodge, K. A.,Lansford, J. E.,Burks, V. S.,Bates, J. E.,Pettit, G. S.,Fontaine, R.,Price, J. M.(2003).Peer rejection and social information-processing factors in the development of aggressive behavior problems in children.Child Development,74(2),374-393.
  13. Ellis, W. E.,Zarbatany, L.(2007).Peer Group Status as a Moderator of Group Influence on Children's Deviant, Aggressive, and Prosocial Behavior.Child Development,78(4),1240-1254.
  14. Fearn, M.,Howard, J.(2012).Play as a Resource for Children Facing Adversity: An Exploration of Indicative Case Studies.Children & Society,26(6),456-468.
  15. Gerstein, E. D.,Arbona, A. P.,Crnic, K. A.,Ryu, E.,Baker, B. L.,Blacher, J.(2011).Developmental risk and young children´s regulatory strategies: Predicting behavior problems at age five.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,39(3),351-364.
  16. Huesmann, L. R.,Moise-Titus, J.,Podolski, C.-L.,Eron, L. D.(2003).Longitudinal relations between children's exposure to TV violence and their aggressive and violent behavior in young adulthood: 1977-1992.Developmental psychology,39(2),201.
  17. Kazdin, A. E.,Whitley, M.,Marciano, P. L.(2006).Child-therapist and parent-therapist alliance and therapeutic change in the treatment of children referred for oppositional, aggressive, and antisocial behavior.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,47(5),436-445.
  18. Knutson, J. F.,DeGarmo, D. S.,Reid, J. B.(2004).Social disadvantage and neglectful parenting as precursors to the development of antisocial and aggressive child behavior: Testing a theoretical model.Aggressive Behavior,30(3),187-205.
  19. Lochman, J. E.,Wells, K. C.(2004).The Coping Power Program for Preadolescent Aggressive Boys and Their Parents: Outcome Effects at the 1-Year Follow-Up.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,72(4),571-578.
  20. Lorber, M. F.,Egeland, B.(2009).Infancy parenting and externalizing psychopathology from childhood through adulthood: developmental trends.Developmental psychology,45(4),909.
  21. Moffitt, T. E.,Caspi, A.(2001).Childhood predictors differentiate life-course persistent and adolescence-limited antisocial pathways among males and females.Development and Psychopathology,13(2),355-375.
  22. Patterson, G. R.,DeBaryshe, B. D.,Ramsey, E.(1989).A developmental perspective on antisocial behavior.Am Psychol.,44(2)
  23. Powell, N. P.,Boxmeyer, C. L.,Baden, R.,Stromeyer, S.,Minney, J. A.,Mushtaq, A.,Lochman, J. E.(2011).Assessing and Treating Aggression and Conduct Problems in Schools: Implications from the Coping Power Program.Psychology in the Schools,48(3),233-242.
  24. Russell, A.,Hart, C. H.,Robinson, C. C.,Olsen, S. F.(2003).Children's sociable and aggressive behaviour with peers: A comparison of the US and Australia, and contributions of temperament and parenting styles.International Journal of Behavioral Development,27(1),74-86.
  25. Shaw, D. S.,Gilliom, M.,Ingoldsby, E. M.,Nagin, D. S.(2003).Trajectories leading to school-age conduct problems.Developmental psychology,39(2),189.
  26. Snyder, J.,Cramer, A.,Afrank, J.,Patterson, G. R.(2005).The contributions of ineffective discipline and parental hostile attributions of child misbehavior to the development of conduct problems at home and school.Developmental psychology,41(1),30.
  27. Woolfenden, S. R.,Williams, K.,Peat, J.(2002).Family and parenting interventions for conduct disorder and delinquency: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.Archives of disease in childhood,86(4),251-256.
  28. 王麗斐,李旻陽,羅明華(2013)。WISER生態系統合作觀的雙師合作策略。輔導季刊,49(3),2-12。
  29. 王麗斐,杜淑芬,羅明華,楊國如,卓瑛,謝曜任(2013)。生態合作取向的學校三級輔導體制:WISER模式介紹。輔導季刊,49(2),4-11。
  30. 吳齊殷,陳易甫(2001)。家內暴力的成因與後果:以母親為例。應用心理研究,11,69-91。
  31. 李維靈,黃芳瑛(2013)。攻擊行為兒童的遊戲治療個案報告。諮商與輔導,325,2-6。
  32. 許維素(2005)。輔導教師學校系統觀的重要性。輔導季刊,41(3),72-74。
  33. 董旭英(2009)。生活壓迫事件、社會支持、社會心理特質與台灣都會區國中生偏差行為之關係。青少年犯罪防治研究期刊,1(1),129-164。
  34. 蘇建文(1975)。母親育兒方式與兒童攻擊行為關系之研究。教育心理學報,8,25-44。
  1. 戴雅彤(2017)。認知行為遊戲治療在輔導外化行為學生之應用。諮商與輔導,378,37-39+63。