


Dot Reproduction of CTP Plates on Paper




謝顒丞(Yung-Cheng Hsieh);吳玉如(Yu-Ju Wu)


電腦直接製版 ; 印刷科技 ; 網點複製特性 ; 滿版濃度 ; 印刷對比 ; 網點擴大 ; Computer to Plate (CTP) ; Printing Technology ; Dot Reproduction Attribute ; Solid Ink Density ; Print Contrast ; Dot Gain




49卷1期(2004 / 04 / 01)


1 - 27




電腦直接製版技術(CTP)在國外經多年的研發與市場變動的迫切需求後漸趨成熟,在國內卻最近三年才逐漸引進。電腦直接製版為將電腦編排完成的數據資料,以雷射光束掃描在CTP印刷版材上直接製版,因省略輸出底片過程,節省印刷成本和大幅縮短印刷前製作業時間。由於看好CTP的潛力無窮,技術的導入及應用成為投資業界關注的焦點,除了投資成本、高速網路傳輸作業、系統整合、教育訓練等為業界所評估外,各種CTP版材之網點複製能力與製程穩定性更是考量評估的重點之一。因此,本研究以實驗研究法為本質,針對目前印刷業界較常採用之三種主流CTP版材作為實驗對象,另外,並採用平版業界普遍使用之傳統PS鋁版作為比較對象,旨在探討三種主流CTP版材和傳統PS版彼此間在印版及其印刷品之網點複製能力差異性和穩定性之比較。每種版材利用其專屬印版輸出設備各輸出20套,採用GretagMacbeth D118C量測每一塊版的特定區域之網點面積,並將其個別觀察值並輸入電腦記錄及匯整,利用管制圖來檢測其網點複製特性及穩定性,從四種版材中分別選取各自版材中網點複製穩定性最佳之5套印版以實際進行印刷,每套印版各印製100張印刷品並以系統隨機抽樣方式從中各抽取50張樣本,因此實驗共得1000張樣本(20套印版 ×50張紙),本研究以GretagMacbeth SpectroEye量測儀器來測量每一張樣張特定區域之網點面積、滿版濃度以及印刷反差,並將其數據記錄、匯整,藉以分析各種版材彼此間在印版及其印刷品之網點複製特性(Dot Reproduction)的差異,結果顯示,在印版之網點複製部分,四種版材以銀鹽CTP版複製之印版網點面積最接近原稿階調;感光樹脂CTP版和熱感式CTP版複製之印版各階調網點面積均有網點擴大/減少的現象;在印刷品之網點複製部分,感光樹脂CTP版在10%、25%、50%、75%、90%等階調之網點面積百分比均為最大,而傳統PS版的網點面積百分比則較小;印版到印刷品網點複製部分,銀鹽CTP版印製之印刷品在網點擴大百分比為最小,感光樹脂CTP版從印版到紙張上之網點擴大百分比則較其他三種版材高。


Computer-to-plate (CTP) is a completely electronic system that produces printing plates for direct mounting on the printing press without the use of film. With CTP technology, text and graphics are digitally transferred directly from the computer to the printing plate, making the image on the plate a potentially more accurate reproduction than one done from film. Computer-to-plate reduces the plate-making process to minutes instead of hours. Compared with the conventional printing method, the CTP technology can save manpower and production time for printers, as well as reduce pollution. The adaptation of, and investment in, CTP technologies has been a major issue in Taiwan's printing industry since 1998. The main considerations regarding CTP investment include CTP's production time, cost and dot-reproduction stability and quality. Therefore, the stability of the CTP plates and their quality of tone reproduction are the two major concerns of potential CTP investors.This experimental study investigated the differences between three major CTP plates and one conventional Pre-sensitized (PS) plate in Taiwan, with regard to dot- reproduction quality, stability, and relative capability on paper. The CTP plate materials used in this experiment included Silver Halide, Photopolymer, Thermal and PS plates. A digital test form and color control bars were designed for the three CTP plates, and a film generalized from the test form and color bars was also developed for exposing the PS plates. Twenty sets of plates were used for each of the four plate types, and their dot images were measured by GretagMacbeth D118C. The plate readings were then entered onto statistics software for analysis and the best 5 sets of plates were selected for the final press runs. One hundred sheets were printed for each set of plates and 50 of them were randomly selected for the final analysis. Therefore, a total of 1000 printed sheets were sampled and read by a Gretag SpectroEye. The dot reproduction attributes of dot gain size, print contrast, and solid ink density were determined statistically.The results of this study can not only evaluate, for the printing industry, the adaptation of CTP technologies, but also provide a comparison of CTP and conventional PS plates with regard to the stability and quality of dot reproduction on paper.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合