


《Amitabha Through the Annotation》 Four Kinds of Pure Lands to Respond the Same Theories of the Heart Soil that the Theories Shows




陳啓文(Cheu-Wen Chen)


阿彌陀佛 ; 彌陀要解 ; 智旭蕅益 ; 淨土 ; 心淨則土淨 ; Amitabha ; Amitabha Through the Annotation ; pure land ; heart and land are same ; The heart is clean then soil clean




7期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 23




從佛教的觀點來看,人之苦難及其有限性和存在之世界,是因業感所致。人欲從苦難與有限性的制約中獲得解脫與超越,就必需從凡夫的自然存在狀態(Natursein)中走出才能獲得拯救。從佛教教義來說,娑婆世界的眾生欲獲得基本而真正的拯救,首先得了脫分段生死出離三界。欲出離三界,则需從被八十八使見惑與八十一品思感束縛的自然狀態下解脫。然而在淨土宗的教義中,卻有著徑中徑的方法,得以快速且使捷的出離三界六道輪迴。只要能伏住見思煩惱惑,便能往生西方極樂淨土,出離三界了脫分段生死,獲得最基本卻真正的拯救,從生命的有限性及苦難中得到解脫。只是,往生阿彌陀佛極樂淨土,尋得安息解脫的淨土行者,伴隨著行者伏斷界內界外見思惑之功行淺深的不同,所感生的淨土便有所不同。 蕅益大師依天台宗的法教主張:四土之感得,是依著所契證的境界不同而有所不同。感生極樂世界的四土分別,乃是與淨土行者持名念佛所伏所斷之見思煩惱惑,與所分破之無明塵沙惑之功行淺深而定。筆者認為,此種土隨心之業惑不同故而不同,其實就是一種心土不二,心淨則土淨的思想。因此,本文擬通過分論藹益大師所言之,四土感生之因果,及能感此報土之行者的果位,以揭示心土不二之唯心淨土義。


Seeing from the standpoint of Buddhism, the person's distress and it the world of limited and existence, because of the karman power recruit feeling with the result that. The person wants to be set free and outstrip from the distress is with limited sexual check and supervision, must come out from the natural existence appearance (Natursein) of ordinary people can acquire salvation. The Buddhism thinks and lets the life leave transmigration of soul and needs to break first to divided by 88 kinds to wildly see wait for annoyed ground with 81 kinds of crazy ideas to tie Zhuan. Have already quickly grown in the pure land the religion of the doctrine and the way of setting free of convenience. It is set free from limited and distress of life. 《Amitabha Through the Annotation》 lay claim to, along with practice moral teachings the achievement realm practicing moral teachings is different and the west getting enjoy clean soil very much and then have the pure land of four kinds of different layers the feeling. Along with go to call a name of reading aloud the Amitabha, ability the break an annoyed amount, with get rid of it have no the clear dust and sand delude of achievement go shallow deep and settle. The writer thinks that this kind of pure land along with annoyed different, therefore have a dissimilarity. This would is a kind of heart soil not two, the heart land is same, the heart is clean then the land clean thought. Consequently, this text plan passes to discuss respectively 《Amitahha Through the Annotation》 medium four lands said respond of because of and the theories of fruit, and ability feeling this report land of go with explain heart land not two it only the heart pure land righteousness.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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