


Understanding Antiquity and Knowing the Dao: The Scholarship of Ouyang Xiu




林素芬(Su-Fen Lin)


歐陽修 ; 知古明道 ; 為道 ; 讀書法 ; 作史實踐 ; Ouyang Xiu ; understanding antiquity and knowing the Dao ; actualizing the Dao research methodology ; historical practice




7期(2008 / 06 / 01)


123 - 157






Though Ouyang Xiu may be primarily known for his literature, this study instead considers his key view of ”understanding antiquity and knowing the Dao”, a view that he based on his personal research methodology. An investigation of his notions of ”knowing antiquity” and the Dao of ”approaching actual facts” can better explains his historical consciousness of understanding the present according to the past. This historical consciousness includes Ouyang's criticism of historical events and assigning different values to these events. At the same time, since he emphasized the study of ethical values, Ouyang Xiu also brought a strong sense of moral idealism to his historical works. Thus, the focus of his works was how to ”actualize the Dao,” both to educate and to admonish. From this we can see that one of the significant characteristics of Ouyang's scholarship is the way in which this concept of ”actualizing the Dao” links his literature and his historical works.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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