


Sacred Space and Tourist Place in Specialty-themed Festivals




蘇恒安(Heng-An Su)


節慶 ; 特產 ; 地方 ; 真實性 ; 宗教觀光 ; festival ; local specialties ; place ; authenticity ; religious tourism




13期(2012 / 06 / 01)


25 - 59






Locally developed specialty-themed festivals have since 1990s become so competitive for tourist attraction, which can be deemed as an emerging movement in Taiwan. However, the glamour of these festival-entitled or carnival-like events also appears to fade away due to their gradually dulled creativity. Most of academia believes that inappropriate planning, declining quality of themed agricultural products, tightening subsidies, and unsatisfactory local participation are to be blamed. However, this study argues that festival organizers/participants' neglect of religious meanings and local features at the festival sites contributes to their declines. To verify these arguments, a field study focusing on Gang-Shan Mutton Culture Festival was undertaken and two points of view were suggested as references for future specialty-themed festivals. First, organizers could construct an authentic sacred space on stage by contextualizing festival food in order to manifest the authentic meaning of festival. Second, organizers could provoke tourists' reflexivity and identification with local tourist places by representing tourist terroir from local specialties. These two suggestions reflect the significance of the coexistence of both religious and tourist places.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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