


From the World of Career and Nature to the World of Morality and Nature - Evolution of the Concept of Two World Themes "Dream of Red Mansions"




蕭鳳嫻(Feng-Hsien Hsiao)


《紅樓夢》主題 ; 兩個世界 ; 二知道人 ; 余英時 ; 紅學 ; theme of "Dream ofRed Mansions" ; two worlds ; Cai Jiawan ; YuYing-shih ; Redology




17期(2014 / 12 / 01)


93 - 114




《紅樓夢〉這本書的主題是什麼?從清朝紅學家以來,就眾說紛結,沒有定論。到了20世紀「《紅樓夢》的主題研究,自索隱派提出康熙朝政治小說,新紅學派提出自敘傳說之後,近人又先後提出愛情主題說、政治歷史主題說、家族衰亡史說、反封建主義說、歌頌女兒才華說等等,共有3 0多種不同的說法,至今對《紅樓夢》的主題還沒有形成一個令多數讀者信服的觀點。筆者主張與其去尋找《紅樓夢》主題的標準答案,不如以紅學批評史的角度,細觀這些主題詮釋的中心概念為何?理論內涵為何?有怎樣的限制性?同一個主題說法,在不同的時代有何詮釋差異與詮釋接續?又顯示了《紅樓夢》作者歷史,與文本結構中哪些多層結構和論證限制。也就是說以讀者接受活動為核心,輔以作者創作意圖、作品結構、作品價值限制,來分析這類主題方法,在紅學史上的意義。在現有主題研究論述中,從二知道人到余英時,《紅樓夢》兩個世界論的主題概念,是筆者研究概念下,最佳的研究資料。故論文以二知道人仕途與本性的兩個世界,余英時社會與本性的兩個世界,兩論述的中心概念為經,概念遞壇為維,進行論述。研究其中心概念為何?理論內涵為何?有怎樣的限制性?同一個主題說法,在不同的時代有何詮釋差異與詮釋接續?顯示了《紅樓夢》作者歷史,與文本結構中哪些多層結構和論證限制?也揭露了不同時代讀者「期待視野」的不同。


What is the theme of "Dream of Red Mansions"? There are different opinions since Redologists in the Qing Dynasty without conclusion. Till the 20th century, in addition to the political fiction in Kangxi Dynasty proposed by Figurists to autobiography legend proposed by New Red School for the theme of "Dream of Red Mansions", a total of 30 different views have been proposed by modem people recently, such as love theme, political and historical themes, the history of family decline, anti-feudalism and praises of female talents. So far there has not been a theme formed yet that can convince most readers. The author claims that it is better to observe what the central concept of the theme interpreted by these themes is? What theoretical connotation is? What kind of restriction is? What the interpretation difference and interpretation consecution at different times are for the same theme? Which multilayer structures and argumentation limit show in the author history of "Dream of Red Mansions" and the text structure? Than find the standard answer of "Dream of Red Mansions" at the angle of Redology criticism history. That is to say the readers' acceptance of events, the author 's creative intent, work structure and work value limit were employed to analyze the meaning of such a thematic approach in Redology history. In the current study and discussion, the thematic concept of two worlds of “Dream of Red Mansions” from Cai Jiawan to Yu Ying-shihwas was the best research data for the author to study the concept. Therefore, this paper discussed the two worlds of Cai Jiawan's career and nature and the two worlds ofYu Ying-shih's morality and nature by taking the central concept of the two discussions as longitude and the concept evolution of the two discussions as latitude, studying what its central concept is? What theoretical connotation is? What the interpretation difference and interpretation consecution at different times are for the same theme? Which multilayer structures and argumentation limit show in the author history of "Dream ofRed Mansions" and the text structure?

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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