


A Research on the Online Chatting Behavior Model in the Virtual Community




余泰魁(Tai-Kuei Yu);鄭時宜(Shih-I Cheng)


虛擬社群 ; 結構方程式模型 ; 交叉效度 ; Virtual Community ; Structural Equation Model ; Cross Validity


Electronic Commerce Studies


2卷2期(2004 / 06 / 30)


117 - 135




隨著網路科技的普及,網路使用者的技術門檻需求大富降低,改變了傳統的人際關係溝通模式,形成許多新的網路社群。網路瀏灠者對某個網站或是討論看板的認同會隨著本身的投入程度和使用時間的增加而升高,當個人認為自己是隸屬於某個虛擬社群時,瀏灠者才會投入更多精力,也會產生較多的認同和期待。虛擬社群經營者必需滿足網友間的互動需求,才能使網友於社群間和他人溝通獲得更多滿足,並進而加深其參與程度。因此社群經營者要瞭解瀏灠者線上聊天行為的影響因素便成為一個經營網站的重要課題。本研究提出一個「虛擬社群線上聊天行」因果模式,以台南市東區網咖店為樣本進行問卷調查,有效問卷回收516份。研究並依亂數分類成二組樣本資料,以結構方程式模型來加以驗證,研究結果發現:瀏灠者對參與線上虛擬社群「行為」會受其對線上社群的「行為意向」、「行為控制知覺」的影響。而「行為意向」又受到「態度」與「認知」所影響。研究模式中各潛在依變項對整體模式的變異解釋力(R²)分別為:行為(0.881)、行為意向(0.386)、態度(0.691),顯示本研究所提的行為棤式為一可接受的模式。此外,在雙交叉驗證方面,以基準樣本為基礎模式時交叉效度指標(Cross validation index, CVI)為10.87,以校準樣本為基礎模式時夜叉效度指標為8.32,顯示研究二組樣本具有交叉效度,研究量表與研究模式之接受性均相當高。


With the popularity of the internet technology, the technical requirements necessary for the internet users are drastically declined. This changed the traditional communication model of interpersonal relationships and formulated a lot of internet communities. A virtual community has to satisfy the interaction among its browsers, fulfill their needs of communication with others in community, and furthermore deepen their degree of participation. How a virtual community attracts and keeps its browsers is worthwhile for us pondering. The study presents a casual model of “the online behavior model in the virtual community.” The questionnaires wee conducted at the internet cafes located in the east district of Tainun as sample. There were 516 valid copies of questionnaires returned and were divided into two groups according to random numbers. Through the construction and experiment of structural equation modeling, results found that the presented revised theory of planned behavior is an acceptable model in the related online virtual community. The browsers’ behavior to participate in the virtual community was directly and positively affected by the behavioral intention and perceived behavioral control. Analysis also showed that the cross validation index (CVI) read as 10.87. The cross validation index (CVI) read as 8.32. The two sets of samples have presented cross validity, the research questionnaire and model are highly acceptable.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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