


The Study of E-business Stages and the Stages Evolution




曹書銘(Shu-Ming Tsaur);林我聰(Woo-Tsong Lin)


企業電子化 ; 企業電子化階段 ; 電子商務 ; E-business ; E-business Stages ; E-commerce


Electronic Commerce Studies


3卷2期(2005 / 07 / 01)


123 - 151






In the so called e-Commerce era, the e-Technology has become an essential efficient advantage for an enterprise in competition with the other potential rivals. With this technology, an enterprise can organize the processes of planning, sourcing, making and delivering both speedily and efficiently in order to adopt the challenge rapidly with various requirements from the market. Nowadays, the e-Business is the certain one of the most important tasks facing enterprises. It is a new powerful method for enterprises, in terms of increasing the efficiency of business operating, reducing the cost and improving the competition capability, to establish a complete new model to operate business following the appearance and the spread of business operating over the Internet. However, there is no a certain e-Business stages framework for enterprises to follow at present, all works are in the exploration phase. The purpose of this study is trying to find out a e-Business stages framework and stages evolution model for the enterprises, through the documents study, enterprises information analysis, inquiry survey and interview of certain business operating case, etc. All these works are very helpful for understanding the evolution trend of the e-Business development process in enterprises, and can offer a guide-line for the future strategy of e-Business running and the whole e-Business developing plan. Furthermore, this study also indicates the works need to be done at each stage of the framework.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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