


A Study on the Relationship of Market Orientation, Moble Commerce Application and Organization Performance: An Example of Logistic Industry in Taiwan




林隆儀(Long-Yi Lin);方業溥(Yei-Pu Fang)


市場導向 ; 行動商務應用 ; 組織績效 ; Market-Orientation ; Mobile Commerce Application ; Organization Performance


Electronic Commerce Studies


3卷4期(2005 / 12 / 31)


425 - 449




在此科技與消費者需求變化皆十分快速的時代,速度是企業能否致勝的關鍵因素之一,新興的行動商務正在醞釀發展中,過去國內有關行動商務在企業應用的研究較少,隨著政府「M台灣計劃」的推展,相關議題相當值得探究。 本研究以93年底已經導入行動商務的流通業相關企業為研究對象,以問卷調查方式進行普查,共發出90份問卷,回收有效問卷81份,以簡單迴歸分析進行檢定,結果發現:(1)市場導向(市場情報蒐集和散播)對行動商務應用有正向的影響效果。(2)行動商務應用(企業對顧客、企業與員工)對組織績效有正向的影響效果。(3)市場導向(市場情報蒐集和散播)對組織績效有正向的影響效果。


In the rapid change environment of technical and customer requirement, speed became the major success factor so mobile commerce application is rising gradually. The newly developing mobile commerce affiliated with the promotion of ”M Taiwan” program by government, the paper explores this subject is relative lack. But this topic is worth to be studied. This paper focus on the logistics firms in Taiwan, which were implemented mobile commerce application before 2004. Questionnaire investigation was used to carry on census survey, 81 valid samples were collected through sending out 90 questionnaires. In order to test hypothesis the simple regression analysis was used. The main findings are as follow: (1) Market-Orientation (included intelligence generation and intelligence dissemination) has positive effect on mobile commerce application. (2) Mobile commerce application (included B2C, B2B and B2E) has positive effect on organization performance. (3) Market-Orientation (includes intelligence generation and intelligence dissemination) has positive effect on organization performance.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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