


Consumer Preference for E-fulfillment Processes in Internet Shopping




張東生(Dong-Shang Chang);王道行(Tao-Hsing Wang)


網路購物 ; 電子履約 ; 聯合分析 ; 消費者偏好 ; Internet shopping ; E-fulfillment ; Conjoint analysis ; Consumer preference


Electronic Commerce Studies


4卷3期(2006 / 09 / 30)


345 - 370




網路零售商的電子履約(e-fulfillment)流程是最花錢及最關鍵的作業流程,所以一個網路零售商的訂單履約能力會決定其經營的成功與否。有關電子履約的議題,學者們的研究大多著重在滿意度;品質以及電子履約作業策略的探討,鮮少有針對電子履約的過程中零售商網站端(Web site end)的消費行為來進行的研究。因此,本研究先確認了網路購物的定單履行過程中,零售業者的網站端提供了:(1)訂單確認(2)付款方式(3)客戶服務(4)交貨方式(5)退貨政策等五個重要屬性來與消費者互動,並透過聯合分析的方法,來了解消費者在電子履約的決策過程中,對於這些屬性的認知偏好情形。此外,本研究亦以年齡;網路購物經驗及商品類別做為區隔變數,以了解不同族群的消費者,他們對於電子履約過程的偏好差異。最後,本文討論了研究成果的管理意涵,並探討本研究的限制及後續研究方向。


E-fulfillment has been the most expensive and critical operation processes for firms, the ability of e-tailer's e-fulfillment could determine its success. Concerning about e-tailing fulfillment issue, a number of researchers have investigated e-fulfillment satisfaction, quality, and operation strategy. However, there have been lack of studies related to consumer behaviors in Web site end e-fulfillment processes. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the consumer e-fulfillment preferences when purchasing products. In this paper, the authors identified five Internet shopping key attributes of e-fulfillment process offered by e-tailers, such as order confirmation, payment method, customer service, product delivery, and return policy. With these key attributes, the e-tailers then interacted with consumers. Conjoint analytical approach was used to assess the consumer preferences of the key attributes in the e-fulfillment decision-making processes. The study chose age, online buying experience and product type for clustering variable in order to distinct consumer e-fulfillment preference of deferent groups. We discussed the managerial implications of our results, limitations, and directions for future research.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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