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e-Commerce 2003 Highlights
Urban, G. L.,Sultan, F.,Qualls, W. J.(2000).Placing trust at the center of your internet strategy.Sloan Management Review,42(1),39-48.
Wolfinbarger, M.,Gilly, M.(2003).eTailQ: dimensionalizing, measuring and predicting etail quality.Journal of Retailing,79,183-198.
Wolfinbarger, M.,Gilly, M.(2001).Shopping online for freedom, control, and fun.California Management Review,43(2),34-55.
Zeithaml, V. A.,Parasuraman, A.,Malhotra, A.(2002).Service quality delivery through web sites: A critical review of extant knowledge.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,30,362-410.
Zeithaml, V.A.,Parasuraman, A.,Malhotra, A.(2000).Working paper.Cambridge, MA:Marketing Science Institute.