


A Study of User's Intention to Participate in Online Games: A Community Perspective




林娟娟(Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin);蘇政泓(Jeng-Hung Su)


社群 ; 識別 ; 識別效應 ; 線上遊戲 ; 虛擬社群 ; Community ; Recognition ; Effects of Recognition ; Online Game ; Virtual Community


Electronic Commerce Studies


5卷1期(2007 / 03 / 31)


31 - 53




隨著線上遊戲的快速發展及龐大的經濟效益,線上遊戲已引起產業及學術界相當的關注。過去相關研究指出,身份識別、專業識別及識別效應等社群因素為影響使用者參與社群之重要因素,而線上遊戲具社群群聚效應,屬於一幻想式社群(Armmstrong and Hagel,1995;許晉龍,民92年)。因此,本研究以社群之觀點,並結合關鍵多數及娛樂認知,探討線上遊戲使用者參與線上遊戲之動機因素。本研究提出一解釋線上遊戲的行為模式,並經由問卷發放,及統計分析進行驗證以瞭解線上遊戲使用者使用線上遊戲之因素,問卷有效樣本數為422份。研究結果顯示,線上遊戲參與者在遊戲中所形成的自尊為影響其參與遊戲意圖之重要因素;而另一重要之因素為沈浸體驗,顯示若線上遊戲能令使用者專心於其中,則對其參與意願將有正面影響;此外,對社群影響力、歸屬感及娛樂認知亦與線上遊戲使用者參與意圖呈現顯著相關。


The speedy expansion and enormous economic profits of online games have gain tremendous attentions in the industrial and academic circles. Past researches found that entertainment, refuge from reality and social influences affect users' intention of participating online games. However, related studies rarely discussed the effects of community recognition and effects of recognition to users' intention. Hence this study views online game community as a virtual community and investigates its users' intention to participate. In addition, possible factors such as critical mass and perceived enjoyment are also studied to gain a better understanding of the antecedence for online game participation. Based on prior literature, a model was proposed and empirically tested to analyze factors influencing online game users' participating intention. The result showed that online game users' willingness to participate was influenced by self-esteem, immersion into games, influence toward online games, membership of online games, and perceived enjoyment to online games. Implications of the findings were also discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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