Enterprises build and construct the Knowledge Management System (KMS) to enable organizational knowledge sharing and application. KMS expects to increase the improvement of the products and service innovation or production efficiency in order to strengthen the competition advantage. But the greatest challenge of the KMS lies in how to enable the employee knowledge share intention, otherwise there are systems in vain but lack and input element. Past research more from employee characteristic, organizational culture viewpoint to study knowledge share intention, but it is difficult for these viewpoints to change the employee's intention with short time. In order to look for the manageable meaning, this research attempts from the motivation perspectives to analysis the influence of the incentive system on the knowledge share intention.
The incentive system is divided into a general incentive system and KMS incentive system to help to understand the different influence results. Because the previous researches on this issue are less, this study firstly interviews five enterprises with KMS for exploratory research purpose in order to sum up the potential factors. Later this study progresses empirical analysis and collect 81 effective questionnaires. Factor analysis finds that knowledge share intention including ”knowledge supply intention” and ”knowledge demand intention”. It is general incentive system including ”society respect”, ”work importance”, ”self growth” and ”money incentive”. KMS incentive system includes ”competition and praising” and ”evaluation compensation”. Regression analysis result has been found that ”competition and praising”, ”work importance” and ”self growth” show signature relevant to ”knowledge supply intention”. The relevant factors to ”knowledge demand intention” are ”society respect”, ”competition and praising” and ”money incentive”. So, the incentive system really does some good to knowledge share intention and have different influence ways. The design of the relevant incentive systems of knowledge management can be built and constructed in this research model in the future.
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