


The Impacts of Team Formation and Information Sharing on the Partner Shopping




楊子青(Tzyy-Ching Yang);林欣儀(Hsin-I Lin)


夥伴形成 ; 資訊分享 ; 結伴購買 ; 電子商務 ; Team Formation ; Information Sharing ; Partner Shopping ; E-Commerce


Electronic Commerce Studies


5卷3期(2007 / 09 / 30)


335 - 360




本研究蒐集購買決策過程、夥伴形成、資訊分享、購買決策成效等文獻做為理論基礎,進而提出結伴購買流程,包括夥伴形成、資訊分享、協商決策、購後評估。針對夥伴形成階段,採取最近購買時間、購買頻率、購買金額三種分組方式;至於資訊分享階段,則分為獨自畫面、單一畫面及雙重畫面三種做法,進而提出兩個研究假說,並開發雛型系統來進行實驗分析。 研究結果發現:(1)不同夥伴形成對於結伴購買決策成效的影響未達顯著差異;(2)不同資訊分享方式對於結伴購買決策成效影響之假說獲得部分支持,在決策時間和購買商品受夥伴影響次數方面,獨自畫面組顯著高於單一畫面組;而在干擾次數方面,單一畫面組則是顯著高於獨自畫面組。


In this study, the related literatures about shopping decision, team formation and information sharing are reviewed first. The team formation is categorized as Recently, Frequency and Monetary Amount. And the information sharing is categorized as independent screen, single screen and dual screen. Following that, we propose two hypotheses of decision support system on partner shopping. Finally, we have developed a prototyping in order to do an experiment. To examine the hypotheses, the experiment has been implemented. The study objects are undergraduate students and the data are analyzed by MANOVA and Scheffe's posterior comparison. The purpose of this study is to find the impacts on the partner shopping. The results reveal that the impacts of information sharing on the partner shopping are partial support.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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