


Effects of Self-Service Technology Innovations on Customer Value: The Case of Internet Banking




何淑熏(Shu-Hsun Ho);柯盈吟(Ying-Yin Ko);黃瓊慧(Chiung-Hui Huang)


服務創新 ; 自助服務科技 ; 顧客價值 ; 網路銀行 ; Service Innovation ; SST ; Customer Value ; Internet Banking


Electronic Commerce Studies


5卷4期(2007 / 12 / 31)


463 - 483




自助服務創新科技的引入,使顧客有不同的選擇管道進行服務或交易,並可幫助業者大量降低人事成本,各大銀行業者皆致力於網路銀行的推廣。然而網路銀行的興起亦存在一些隱憂,可能會使顧客卻步和降低持續使用的意願。因此,本研究調查網路銀行自助服務科技的特性是否會帶給顧客價值,並調查顧客價值是否會影響顧客持續使用網路銀行的意願。 本研究透過發放網路問卷方式總共回收370份有效樣本。本文以結構方程模式為主要研究方法,透過LISERAL8.54進行驗證性因素分析和結構模式分析。研究結果發現四個自助服務科技的特性,分別為容易性、有用性、節省成本和自我控制會正面影響顧客價值;另外顧客價值亦會正面影響顧客持續使用網路銀行的意願。藉由本研究結果,建議管理者可以強化顧客使用網路銀行的容易性、有用性、自我控制和降低顧客成本進而帶給顧客多元價值,以作為網路銀行業者推廣網路銀行並留住現有顧客的策略。


This study investigates whether attributes of self-service technology (SST) can induce the customer value to Internet banking. Moreover, customer value will affect customers' willingness on continued use of Internet Banking. Data was collected using online survey and received samples of 771 Internet banking customers. The data were analyzed by conducting a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and path analysis which tested statistically significant based on the overall fit. We found that four attributes of SST (ease of use, usefulness, cost saved, and self-control) have positive effect on customer value. Furthermore, customers' continued use of Internet Banking is positively affected by customer value. In practice, bank managers are recommended to effectively implement the services of SST in four ways; hence companies are able to increase customer value for securing customers' willingness to continually use the Internet banking.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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