


A Study of Knowledge Management System-Activity Theory and Critical Success Chains Perspective




林東正(Tung-Cheng Lin);紀佳妤(Jia-Yu Ji)


知識管理系統 ; 企業資訊入口網站 ; 行動理論 ; 關鍵成功鏈 ; Knowledge Management System ; Enterprise Information Portal ; Activity Theory ; Critical Success Chains


Electronic Commerce Studies


6卷1期(2008 / 03 / 31)


105 - 123




處於知識爆炸的時代,雖藉由資訊科技協助,已發展出可協助管理知識的系統,惟現有知識管理系統之開發,多以技術面觀點發展,是否能滿足企業各使用者需求,並完成企業賦予之任務,頗值得加以探討。本研究整合關鍵成功鏈與行動理論觀點,探討使用者、倡議者與建構者等不同角色對知識管理系統之功能需求,並以某個案公司所導入的SharePoint Portal系統為例,進行實證與評析。經由關鍵成功鏈觀點分析,為強化競爭力,本研究發現檔案與文件管理、檢索與搜尋及分類等功能,是最為關鍵功能。此外藉由行動理論角色別分析,亦發現「檔案及文件管理」與「檢索與搜尋」,為所有角色所共通的功能需求,倡議者因肩負部門績效責任,對各項功能的需求最高,並對「資料探勘」、「結合資料流程」與「組織協同運作」等功能需求高於其他角色,至於「建構者」則是「專案管理」需求顯著高於其他角色。


During the knowledge bursting era, we had developed the knowledge management system (KMS) with the help of information technologies. However, most of KMS, paid little attention on the role of user and the corporate strategic goals, were base on technology approach. This research combined the critical success chains (CSC) with activity theory approach to develop the KMS's system requirement analysis framework for different roles (sponsor, user and builder). A case study was conducted for M-company which had implemented the SharePoint Portal Server (KMS developed by Microsoft). From the viewpoint of critical success chains, the key functions of KMS were ”files and documents management” and ”retrieval and searching”. Through activity theory's roles view, the command demands of all kind of roles were ”files and documents management” and ”retrieval and searching”. Sponsor who was in charge of performance of department had greatly demand for all kind of functions. Moreover, It had deeply desire for ”data mining”, ”integrate data flow”, and ”collaborative operation”. As for builder, it had extremely demand on ”project management”.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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