本研究以開放原始碼電子商店系統:osCommerce使用者為對象,主要目的在了解影響中小企業對於開放原始碼電子商店系統使用意願與實際使用的因素。研究援引整合型科技接受模式(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT)(Venkates et al., 2003),並根據開 放原始碼特性納入「交易成本」構面建立理論架構。透過問卷調查法,以立意抽樣收集了147份有效問卷進行量化統計分析。 根據理論架構,本研究問題在探討「績效預期」、「心力耗費預期」、「社群影響」、「配合情況」與「交易成本」五個構面是否影響開放原始碼電子商店系統:osCommerce使用者的「使用意願」與「實際使用行為」。研究結論包括:(1)「績效預期」、「社群影響」、「交易成本」是正面影響使用者意願的重要因素。(2)「使用意願」和「配合情況」並無法顯著預測「實際使用行為」。(3)影響「使用意願」的採用因素中以「績效預期」的預測力最高,依序是「社群影響」及「交易成本」。
This study aims at understanding users using open source E-store system: osCommerce, for the main purpose of understanding the factors in affecting user behavior intension and usage. The study employs the ”unified theory of acceptance and use of technology” model (Venkates et al., 2003) and adds one more construct into the framework-transaction cost. A questionnaire survey and purposive sampling was conducted to collect 147 sample for quantitative analysis.
On the basis of research framework, the questions are if the five constructs: ”performance expectancy”, ”effort expectancy”, ”social influence”, ”facilitating conditions” and ”transaction cost” will affect user ”behavior intension” and usage or not. Our conclusions are: include (1) ”performance expectancy”, ”social influence”, and ”transaction cost” are critical factors that positively affect the SME user's behavior intension. And (2) ”behavior intension” and ”facilitating conditions” didn't predict the usage significantly. At last (3) ”effort expectancy” is the most critical factor among all for osCommerce acceptance, then in order are ”social influence”, ”transaction cost”.
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