


The Integration of Self-Efficacy, Trust, Organizational Support, and Personal Motivation to Explore Behavioral Intention of Health Knowledge Repository Systems-an Empirical Study of Teaching Hospital




黃暉庭(Hui-Ting Huang);蔡宗宏(Chung-Hung Tsai)


自我效能 ; 制度信任 ; 人際信任 ; 組織支持 ; 醫療知識庫 ; Self-Efficacy ; Interpersonal Trust ; Institutional Trust ; Organizational Support ; Health Knowledge Repository Systems


Electronic Commerce Studies


6卷3期(2008 / 09 / 30)


377 - 409






Based on TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), the purpose of the present study is to integrate self-efficacy, trust, organizational support, and personal motivation into TAM to explain the behavioral intention of health knowledge repository systems of one teaching hospital's employees in Taiwan. The findings show: (1) perceived ease of use, institutional trust, interpersonal trust, and organizational support all have significantly influence on perceived useful, subjective norm, and perceived enjoyment. (2) Our findings also suggest perceived useful, subjective norm, and perceived enjoyment as three important antecedents directly influence users' intention to use system. (3) In addition, among the antecedents, output quality hasn't significant influence on perceived useful and perceived enjoyment. Furthermore, interpersonal trust and institutional trust are two significant determinants of perceived useful and perceived enjoyment. That is, interpersonal trust and institutional trust are more important than output quality to predict perceived useful and perceived enjoyment. (4) Gender, supervisor or not, and the kinds of professionals have significant difference on certain constructs, whereas age, educational level, and work experience have not significant difference on all constructs The findings may be used as theoretical base for future research and can also offer empirical foresight and practical solutions to managers of organizations when the knowledge repository systems are being introduced initially into the hospitals.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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