


A Study of the Influence of Service Quality, Store Image, Trust and Perceived Risk to Customer Loyalty of Electronic Stores




閻瑞彥(Jui-Yen Yen);周嘉俊(Chia-Chun Chou)


服務品質 ; 商店形象 ; 信任 ; 知覺風險 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; Service Quality ; Store Image ; Trust ; Perceived Risk ; Customer Loyalty


Electronic Commerce Studies


6卷4期(2008 / 12 / 31)


461 - 486




近來年,網際網路的使用性愈來愈普遍,這也帶動了網路購物的潮流。因此,網路購物的規模在電子商店也就愈來愈熱絡。另一方面,因為在網路購物是沒有時間、地點的限制,也可以讓消費者有多比較的空間,這也是興起的原因。但是由於網路購物是透過開放、非面對面的方式來進行,因此增加了環境不確定性、複雜性以及資訊不對稱…等,使得在線上購物交易風險提高。因此,如何使消費者在網路購物時有信任感且降低知覺風險,並對於電店商店有忠誠度,是個值得探討的課題。此外,消費者對於在購物時十分重視其服務品質與商店形象,因此將服務品質、商店形象納入本研究探討的課題。 本研究使用結構方程模式(SEM)來探討服務品質、商店形象、信任、知覺風險與顧客忠誠之關係。結果顯示,在電子商店中,服務品質可以增加商店形象、信任與顧客忠誠,並且可以降低知覺風險。信任則是可以增加顧客忠誠與降低知覺風險。而降低知覺風險則可以增加顧客忠誠。在商店形象方面,雖然商店形象可以增加信任,但是對於降低知覺風險與增加顧客忠誠卻不顯著。


In this study, we use the structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the relationship among the inter-relationships among service quality, store images, trust and customer loyalty in the Electronic Stores. The result of this study showed that: (1) There is a positive relationship between service quality and store images. (2) There is a positive relationship between service quality and trust. (3) There is a negative relationship between service quality and perceived risk. (4) There is a positive relationship between service quality and customer loyalty. (5) There is a positive relationship between store images and trust. (6) There is a negative relationship between trust and perceived risk. (7) There is a positive relationship between trust and customer loyalty. (8) There is a negative relationship between perceived risk and customer loyalty.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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