Japanese Otaku Market Research (2005) reported that Otaku tends to accept new products and has ambition and ability to purchase new products. Some corporations thus choose Otaku market as a test market to observe new consuming patterns and to find new additional values of products, which will then be refined and introduced to general consumers.
To examine the viability of choosing Otaku market as a test market, we set up this research. Two aims of the research are established. The first is to reveal whether there is a population in Taiwan similar to Japanese Otaku. The second is to ensure whether Taiwanese Otaku also shows different communication effects from general consumers in various electronic media.
Japanese definition to Otaku is employed in our research. According to this definition, we classify Taiwanese consumers into Otaku group and general consumer group. According to various sources of information, we select four different electronic media- corporate websites, corporate forums, online news, and online forums- for observing different effects from these two groups on perceptional, emotional, and behavioral communication.
Our research indicates that Otaku group does exist in Taiwan society. Similar to Japanese Otaku, Taiwanese Otaku also behaves communication effect in corporate websites and forums better than general consumers do.
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