


Explore the Reasons Why Some Bloggers Quit: Perspectives from Difficulties and Motivations




葉高旗(Kao-Chi Yeh);張海青(Hae-Ching Chang)


部落格 ; 部落客 ; 激勵 ; 干擾 ; KJ法 ; 親和圖 ; Blog ; Blogger ; encouraging factors ; discouraging factors ; K-J Method ; affinity diagram


Electronic Commerce Studies


7卷3期(2009 / 09 / 30)


313 - 331




部落格該如何有效經營的議題,一直以來缺乏整合性之探究,因此本研究訪談國內具代表性的部落客,從激勵與阻礙兩個面向來探討此議題。研究結果發現阻礙的面向包括BSP(Blog service Provider)的服務品質不佳、內容主題難以決定、持續創作的壓力、擔心人氣下滑、網友論戰、內容被盜用及時問管理等困擾;激勵面向則有興趣、自我期許、抽離或回歸自我的機會、利他的分享、利人利己的互惠等因素。本文接著從兩面向的各個因素中,再透過KJ法(Kawakita Jiro mcthod)找出其問的關聯性,最復歸納出部落客不持續使用部落格有六大因素:對BSP服務品質的不滿意、自我要求的壓力太高、網友間的互動困擾、缺乏自我成長的激勵誘因、心理好壓功能無法發揮以及外在報酬誘因不足等所導致。文中所描繪的親和圖可以提供BSP業者、個人或企業經營部落格或進行相關研究時的參考。


There is little research about how to run blogs effectively. In this research we interviewed several prominent bloggers to identify encouraging and discouraging factors in operating blogs effectively. This research shows that difficulties in operating effective blogs include; poor service from BSP (Blog Service Provider), issues with defining subject matter, operational pressure of running blogs continuously, concerns about number of visitors, monitoring debates between blog participants, possible theft of content, as well as, time management. Despite difficulties, operating blogs is found to be rewarding to many for personal interest; self-expression that blogs provide, an opportunity to explore self and participants, altruism to share with others, and exchange of ideas with others, as well as financial benefits. Following, we use K-J method to find out the relation from those encouraging and discouraging factors. Summarizing six factors that bloggers do not using the blog continuously: unsatisfied the service quality of BSP, the self-request pressure is too high, the interactive perplex among the net friends, lack the encouragement of self-growth, unable to release the psychological presses, and insufficient external reward cause, etc. The study provides an affinity diagram will be helpful to businesses and individuals interested in successful operation of blogs.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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