


Research on Consumers' Willingness to Study E-Books




蕭至惠(Chih-Hui Hsiao);張琡婍(Su-Chi Chang);蔡進發(Chin-Fa Tsai)


計劃行為理論 ; 科技接受模型 ; 創新擴散 ; 電子書 ; theory of planned behavior ; technology acceptance model ; diffusion of innovation ; e-book


Electronic Commerce Studies


7卷3期(2009 / 09 / 30)


355 - 384




網際網路的發達以及資訊上網的應用趨勢愈益成長之下,逐漸改變消費者取得資訊與閱讀行為模式,因此也為數位出版業帶來莫大的商機。為了協助業者了解消費者對採用電子書閱讀的影響因素為何,以及因為目前消費者使用電子書閱讀的態度及行為意圖影響等相關理論及實證研究仍嫌不足,本研究以計劃行為理論為理論基礎,結合科技接受模型、創新擴散等理論,並以結構方程模式(SEM)方法,利用所蒐集的300份資料,試著發展出一具理論且實證性的研究模式。 研究結果發現,在行為態度方面,要消費者對採用電子書閱讀產生正面評價及觀感,相容性是最大因素。此外,個人創新性的影響顯著,可協助業者鎖定其目標市場。主觀規範中的人際影響亦顯著,表示目前的消費者較重視周圍朋友的消息來源。知覺行為控制的自我效能的影響力顯著,業者需要考量電子書的操作性,勿讓消費者對自己使用能力感到挫敗,進而降低使用意願。


With the advance of Internet services and information technologies, people are more familiar with the electronic way that information is disseminated. As consumers are more familiar with the electronic information, publishers have great opportunity of making good business. Although the current market for E-books is still premature, publishers continue to research on customers' needs. We believe that the market growth of E-books will soon be dream come true. For the time being, there are many publishers planning to join this market, but they are afraid of the unknown marketing trend. To our knowledgement, there is no research on readers' attitude toward E-books; this research can help publishers understand what consumers really need when studying and purchasing E-books. Primarily based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, this research also utilizes the Technology Acceptance Model and Diffusion of Innovation. From the collection of over 300 experimental data, this research uses the method of SEM to develop a research model. Based on our research, we discover that the factors that affect consumers' intention to read E-books are behavioral attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. For behavioral attitude, compatibility is the main factor to urge consumers to study E-books. Although E-books can bring many advantages to consumers, they still can not avoid the most fundamental problem, i.e., how to satisfy the reading habits of consumers. Besides, the remarkable personal innovation can help publishers to focus on the target markets. The interpersonal relationship is remarkable in the subjective norm; the research shows that consumers always trust the messages given by people around them. So, at the early stage, publishers need to keep good reputation and make this good image propagated through different relationships. The influence of self-efficiency in the perceived behavior control is apparent. Publishers need to improve their E-books to keep consumers from being frustrated in studying digitalized contents. Strong frustration scares away consumers from studying and buying E-books.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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