


The Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of Flow Experience for Reviewers on V-Blog




池文海(Wen-Hai Chih);邱天佑(Tien-You Chiu);賴慧芬(Hui-Fen Lai)


沈浸理論 ; 影音部落格 ; 個人知覺 ; 網站設計 ; flow theory ; V-Blog ; individual perception ; website design


Electronic Commerce Studies


8卷2期(2010 / 06 / 30)


183 - 208




Web2.0的互動及分享特色,使影音部落格成為目前最能展現個人的體驗與感受的網站。本研究運用沈浸理論(flow theory)建構瀏覽者於影音部落格之沈浸經驗的前因與後果。前因分為個人知覺及網站設計,後果為影響瀏覽者探索使用及使用意圖。本研究以影音部落格瀏覽者為受訪者,採用網路發放問卷,運用SEM 實證發現,網站設計中的容易使用與互動性是影響瀏覽者沈浸於影音部落格的主要因素,而且個人知覺中的知覺技能、知覺挑戰對沈浸經驗皆有顯著正向影響。同時,沈浸經驗分別對探索使用、使用意圖皆有顯著正向影響。此外,結合創新擴散理論,驗證個人創新之差異對於沈浸經驗至探索使用具有調節效果;結合權變理論的觀點,驗證先前經驗之差異對於沈浸經驗至使用意圖具有調節效果。


Interaction and sharing, the characteristics of Web2.0, have made V-blog an application that can display individual experiences and feelings most in the internet. This study adopts Flow Theory to investigate the antecedents and consequences of viewers' flow experience on V-blog. The antecedents are individual perception and website design; the consequences are the effect of flow experience on exploratory use and the intention to use. This study, which takes V-blog viewers as the interviewers, gives out internet questionnaires, and applies structural equation modeling, has found that ease of use and interaction regarding to website design are the major effects to viewers' flow experience on V-blog; both perception skill and perception challenge regarding to individual perception have positive effects on viewers’ flow experience on V-blog. Flow experience, at the same time, has positive effects on both exploratory use and intention to use. Furthermore, integrated with the diffusion of innovation, this study verifies that personal innovativeness positively moderates the relationship of flow experience to exploratory use; integrated with contingency theory, this study verifies that prior experience positively moderates the effect of flow experience to the intention to use.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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