


The Empirical Study of Customers' Satisfaction with Self-Service Systems in Domestic Convenience Stores




陳怡靜(I-Ching Chen);胡學誠(Shueh-Cheng Hu);施東河(Dong-Her Shih)


自我服務科技 ; 多媒體資訊站 ; 美國顧客滿意度指標 ; 結構方程模式 ; self service technologies ; Kiosk ; American customer satisfaction index ; structural equation model


Electronic Commerce Studies


8卷2期(2010 / 06 / 30)


231 - 258






Because fierce competition, all participants in the convenience store market manage to bring more values to customers by adopting electronic self-service platforms. This research takes the customers of self-service platforms at convenience stores as subjects, analyzes the correlations between customer satisfaction and its antecedents and consequences based on the American Customer Satisfaction Index model. By applying structural equation model, this research reconfirmed that the three determinants of customer satisfaction include expectation, perceived quality, and perceived value. Besides, this research revealed that customer satisfaction has positive impact on customer loyalty and customer complaint does not correlate with customer loyalty. Hopefully, the findings can provide guidance for businesses to revamp and promote their self-service technologies in the future.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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