


Factors That Influencing Users' Acceptance of Mobile Instant Message Services




翁振銘(Zhen-Ming Weng);王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang);林娟娟(Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin)


行動即時通訊 ; 可攜性 ; 即時性 ; mobile instant message ; portability ; immediate


Electronic Commerce Studies


8卷4期(2010 / 12 / 31)


521 - 544




隨著行動通訊技術日漸成熟,廣被大眾接受的網路通訊工具-即時通訊,也由個人電腦上逐漸發展至行動裝置中。然而,行動即時通訊服務(mobile instant message)自推出以來,至今仍未被普遍接受採用。為更深入探討此一現象,本研究應用創新擴散理論,以創新層面、產品特性與社會層面之觀點,探討影響行動通訊用戶採用行動即時通訊服務意願之主要因素。本研究採用網路問卷調查方式,共回收199份有效問卷。結果顯示,使用者對行動即時通訊服務之採用意圖主要受到社會層面因子中的關鍵多數所影響,著重於週遭環境使用人數多寡與身邊重要親友之影響力。就創新層面而言,相對優勢、相容性與可試用性皆會影響行動通訊使用者採用行動即時通訊服務之意圖;在產品特性中,價格也在影響使用意願上扮演了重要的角色。本研究依據研究結果提出可供業者規劃發展行銷策略之方針,期能更進一步達到服務推廣之目標。


With the advances of mobile communication technologies, instant message, a widely accepted internet communication tool, has been migrated from personal computer to mobile devices. However, though mobile instant message was introduced to the market for a while, it still has not been widely adopted by users. Based on the innovation diffusion theory, this study proposed a model which incorporated innovative, mobile and social factors as key determinants of users' behavioral intention. The model was then empirically tested using 199 responses collected via a web survey. Results showed that users' perceived critical mass is the most influential factor in shaping a user's intention to adopt mobile instant message services. On the other hand, for the perspectives of innovation characteristics of Mobile IM, relative advantage, trialability, compatibility are the most prominent affecting factors. Moreover, perceived price played an important role in affecting users’ intention to us Mobile IM. Suggestions to help the practitioners in developing better marketing strategies are drawn from our results. Implications are also discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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