


Examining the Effect of Technology Readiness and Switching Costs to Operating System Switching Intention




陳煇煌(Huei-Huang Chen);陳世智(Shih-Chih Chen);林俊佑(Jyun-You Lin)


作業系統 ; 轉換成本 ; 轉換意圖 ; 科技準備度 ; operating system ; switching costs ; switching intention ; technology readiness


Electronic Commerce Studies


9卷2期(2011 / 06 / 30)


133 - 156






This study adopted the framework from the theory of switching costs by Burnham et al. to discuss which customers' switching costs will influence the switching intention of operating system. In this study we also verified the technology readiness plays as a moderator on the relationship between the switching costs and the switching intention of operating system.This study collected 429 samples from questionnaires, conducted confirmatory factor analysis by structural equation modeling to verify the hypothesis with path analysis result. Results of the analysis showed that various types of switching costs have significant negative influence on customers' switching intention of operating system such as economic risk costs, evaluation costs, learning costs, customers' comfort and customers' identification. Finally, we also found that technology readiness would be a moderator on the relationship between the switching costs and the switching intention of operating system.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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