


The Effects of Blog Type and Social Presence on Blog Viewers




彭國芳(Kuo-Fang Peng);賴建榮(Chien-Jung Lai);陳孟慧(Meng-Hui Chen)


部落格行銷 ; 部落格類型 ; 社會臨場感 ; 實驗室實驗法 ; blog marketing ; blog type ; social presence ; lab experiment


Electronic Commerce Studies


9卷4期(2011 / 12 / 31)


459 - 482






Blog marketing has become one of the major issues in e-Commerce studies. Many marketers also put lots of efforts into their commercial blogging due to the highly interactive community features of such a platform. In this study, a 3x2 factorial design LAB experiment was conducted to examine the effects of blog type and social presence on delicacy blog viewers. The result of a two-way ANOVA testing reveals that: (1) blog type has significant effects upon blog viewers' trust toward blog, restaurant attitude, and purchase intention; (2) social presence has significant positive effects upon blog viewers' blog loyalty, marketing message recall, restaurant attitude, and purchase intention; (3) there is no strongly significant support for the interaction effect between manipulated variables. Implications and suggestions toward blog marketing are provided as well.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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