


Why Do People Continue to Use Application Service?-Applying Consumer Acceptance of Technology Model




何苔麗(Tai-Li Ho);徐慧霞(Huei-Hsia Hsu);陳照森(Chau-Shen Chen)


科技接受模式 ; 知覺價格 ; 消費者科技接受模型 ; 使用態度 ; 再購意願 ; technology acceptance model ; perceived price ; consumer acceptance of technology model ; usage attitude ; repurchase intention


Electronic Commerce Studies


10卷3期(2012 / 09 / 30)


235 - 255




隨著智慧型手機的快速成長,手機應用程式服務創造出新的商機。蘋果公司應用程式商店(App Store)自2008年在網路上開張以來,上線兩個月就寫下一億次下載的驚人紀錄,一舉開創出手機應用服務龐大的商機,也成為世界最大的流動應用平臺。本研究參考Kulviwat等人之消費者科技接受模型,增加認知面的知覺價格變項,以整合性觀點,探討認知面及情感面因素對手機應用程式服務(以蘋果公司的App Store為例)使用態度及再購意願的影響。經相關文獻之理論探討,建立研究假設,以臺灣地區擁有iPhone手機且購買過手機應用程式服務之使用者為問卷填答的對象,回收有效問卷176份。本研究之發現如下:一、使用態度對再購意願有正向的影響。二、認知面的知覺有用、知覺易用、知覺價格及情感面的愉悅、喚起對手機應用程式服務的使用態度均有顯著正向的影響,其中影響最大的因素是知覺價格。三、知覺易用會正向影響知覺有用,證實知覺易用對使用態度有直接影響外,也可透過知覺有用對使用態度產生間接影響。最後,本研究結果將對經營手機應用程式服務的相關廠商及程式設計者提出具體建議。


The rapid growth in smartphone penetration has clearly helped mobile commerce to gain increasing acceptance amongst users. The App Store has been more successful than anyone could have ever imagined. This study explores the potential of a consumer technology acceptance model and integrated cognitive and emotional factors in examining structural relationships among mobile application services characteristics, the use of attitude and repeat purchase intention for App services. Through an online survey method, the 176 valid questionnaires obtained from Taiwan users of a mobile application services identified perceived m-commerce characteristics consisting of four factors: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived price, pleasure, arousal, and dominance. Through empirical analysis, this study found that repurchase intention will has positive influence, whereas the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived price and emotional side of pleasure and arousal of the use of mobile application services have significant positive impact on the usage attitude. The most influential factor is the perceived price. Managerial implications for practitioners and researchers are discussed in the context of m-commerce.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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