


The Study of Positive and Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Goal-Directed and Impulsive Buying Behavior


金必煌(Bih-Huang Jin);鄭子慧(Tzu-Hui Cheng);施宏彬(Hung-Pin Shih)


網路口碑 ; 認知有用性 ; 聯繫強度 ; 目的性購買 ; 衝動性購買 ; electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) ; perceived usefulness ; tie strength ; goal-directed buying ; impulsive buying


Electronic Commerce Studies


11卷1期(2013 / 03 / 31)


1 - 28






The influences of perceived review quality, perceived usefulness of product reviews, tie strength and experience similarity between posters and receivers on credibility of positive and negative electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) are interesting and crucial in assessing online shopping behaviors. Hence, this study focuses on assessing whether credibility of positive and negative e-WOM has distinct effects on goal-directed and impulsive online and physical buying behavior. This research adopts online questionnaire to collect data, and uses the structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the research model. Our empirical results identify that: (1) review quality and perceived usefulness positively affect credibility of positive and negative e-WOM; (2) tie strength and experience similarity positively affect credibility of positive e-WOM; (3) credibility of positive e-WOM positively affects goal-directed online and physical buying, and impulsive online and physical buying; (4) credibility of negative e-WOM negatively affects goal-directed online and physical buying, and impulsive online buying. This study also addresses the implications for academics and practitioners.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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