


A Research of Internet Community Loyalty: An Integrated Model of Network Externality and TAM


沈宗奇(Chung-Chi Shen);賴俊廷(Chan-Ting Lai)


網路外部性 ; 關鍵多數 ; 知覺互補性 ; 科技接受模式 ; 黏著意圖 ; network externality ; critical mass ; perceived complementarity ; technology acceptance model ; stickiness intention


Electronic Commerce Studies


11卷4期(2013 / 12 / 31)


357 - 376






Facebook attracts numerous users in a short term that shows social networking sites (SNS) plays an important role in people's daily life, the utilization of online social networks is crucial to Internet marketing. The research aims to understand what factors affecting user's adoption and loyalty intention over SNS. The conceptual framework utilizes the constructs from industrial organization theory, social psychology, and technology acceptance model (TAM), including critical mass, perceived complementarity, perceived enjoyment, reciprocal norm, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness. We employ structural equation model to test research hypotheses with 275 valid samples. Results show critical mass is positively related to perceived complementarity; perceived complementarity and reciprocal norm are related to perceived ease of use; reciprocal norm and perceived enjoyment are critical to determine perceive usefulness; perceived usefulness is positively related to attitude toward using SNS, which in turn increasing user's stickiness intention toward SNS. Our findings show the important of understanding user's behavior on online SNS, and implications for marketing practice by using information management on SNS.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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