


Impact of Consumer Perceived Risks and Perceived Value on Consumer Buying Intentions:An Empirical Study of Community Website Services


謝錦堂(Jiin-Tarng Shieh)


知覺風險 ; 知覺價值 ; 購買意圖 ; consumer perceived risk ; consumer perceived value ; buying intentions


Electronic Commerce Studies


11卷4期(2013 / 12 / 31)


431 - 451




行銷人員主要的任務在提升顧客購買意圖,以增加產品被購買或被消費的機會。本研究試圖透過社群網路成員對網站服務之知覺,解釋消費者知覺價值與知覺風險對購買意圖之影響,並分析知覺價值在知覺風險與顧客購買意圖間之中介角色,藉以建立解釋消費者購買意圖之整合模型。本研究以結構方程模型檢驗研究構念之測量效度,並檢驗顧客知覺價值在知覺風險與購買意圖之中介效果。由Fashion Guide網站216位會員樣本之研究結果顯示,整合模型消費者購買意圖對之解釋力,大於知覺價值或知覺風險個別之解釋力,而且發現知覺價值在知覺風險與顧客購買意圖間,扮演部份中介角色,顯示知覺風險與知覺價值在解釋顧客購買意圖之重要角色。


A primary goal of marketer is to improve target customers' buying intentions. This study intends to explain the effect of consumer perceived risk and perceived value on buying intentions through community website member's perceptions. The study is also to examine roles of perceived value in mediating the relationship between perceived risks and buying intention, in order to develop integrative model of consumer perceived risk and perceived value. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is applied to examine measurement validity of included constructs. The mediation hypothesis is assessed using a three-step multiple regression procedure. The results of this study indicate that integrative model could explain more variance in consumer buying intentions than perceived risk model or perceived value model, separately. The mediating effect of perceived value is partial.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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